
What to Consider Before Turning 18

Rights at Age of Majority

What does this mean?
The Age of Majority is the transfer of all of the rights and responsibilities of adulthood to the student when he/she turns 18.  This includes the right to vote, register for the armed services, and be capable of and responsible for handling his/her own affairs and any legal obligations created by his/her actions.

What if I have questions about my student’s ability to manage his/her own affairs because of a mental disability?
There are several options to help you assist your student in managing his/her affairs while still allowing for individual decisions about his/her life.  The website below answers frequently asked questions ranging from guardianship to many less restrictive options.

For more information, contact a Mercer County Board of DD Services Support Administrator at: 419-586-2369

 Further Information from the Ohio State Bar Association:

Educational Programs for Transition Age Students

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